Apple Music introduces option to sort tracks by composer

Apple Music has introduced a feature on one of its recent updates to allow users to sort their music by composer. While it is not yet functional for Apple Music’s entire collection, the change does allow music in a user’s library to be organised in this way.

iTunes logo
iTunes 12 logo. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Some pictures showing the results are available here. Although Music Business Worldwide is concerned with recent releases by the likes of Kanye West, the addition will also have significant benefits for classical music fans. It will enable works by Mozart, Beethoven or Brahms to be brought together, even if the recordings were made by different ensembles or singers, or led by a variety of conductors.

The change follows improvements to iTunes earlier this year which made it possible for a track to be tagged as a movement or work, making it easier for multi-movement pieces to be identified.

This looks like it could be a step forward for the service which has had problems being user friendly for classical music listeners.

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