The 18 Weirdest And Funniest Craigslist Ads For Musicians

You can always count on Craigslist for some highly questionable listings but we all know the free online classifieds site has a reputation for publishing some unusual, funny or just plain strange ads. Most musicians who post an ad on Craigslist are just looking to start a band, find a gig or sell an instrument. But then there are the others.

1. Husband wants a rusty trombone for his birthday

rusty trombone

2. Harpist and Idiot

harpist and idiot

3. High Fives For Any Musical Instrument

high fives

4. Acoustic Western “Guiter

acustic western guitar

5. “Speekers” For Sale


6. Itzhak Perlman, the Violinist

itzhak perlman

7. Nude Musicians Needed

nude classical musicians

8. Left-Hand Strung Piano

left hand piano

9. Free Coffee Opportunity

coffee shop

10. Dear God of Bass Players

god of bass players

11. A Witty Response to Craigslist Ad Asking Musicians to Play for Free

witti response

12. The Musical ‘Thing’

musical thing

13. Tune Your God Damn Piano

tune piano

14. Looking for Air Guitar

air guitar

15. Christian Rock Artist Needing Some Advice

christian rock artist

16. Satanic Rock Band

satanic rock band

17. Synths and Samplers ?

synths and samplers

18. The Awesome Kimball Organ

kimball organ finished



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