7 Important Reasons to Learn Piano as an Adult

Reasons to Learn Piano as an Adult
Reasons to Learn Piano as an Adult

As a piano teacher, I often encounter adults who express a desire to learn piano. They usually have a list of reasons why they can’t or don’t. Usually, it’s more like a list of excuses not to do it.

When you’re a parent, it’s natural to want any opportunities that come your way to be opportunities you can give your child, but there are times parents need to accept an opportunity of their own.

Reasons to Learn Piano as an Adult

If you’ve ever felt the desire to learn piano, here are 7 very good reasons why you should do it.

1. You’ve always wanted to play piano. That is reason enough to do it. Perhaps you didn’t get a chance to take lessons as a child or perhaps you did, and gave up. If the desire is there, it’s worth exploring your piano journey. It could be life-changing.

2. It’s a great cognitive workout. Our brains are constantly learning. If you’re keen on puzzles such as Sudoku or crosswords, then you might love the challenge of reading music and relating what you see to keys you press on the piano.

3. It’s very good for your joints. Arthritis doesn’t get much of a chance in joints that are busy. The finger exercises and wrist movements of playing piano are very good for your joints and fend off degenerative diseases. Even if you do Yoga or Pilates, the finger joints don’t get much exercise. Playing the piano fills that gap.

4. It’s relaxing, enjoyable and sociable. If listening to music is relaxing, imagine playing it yourself. In order to play the piano well, you need to be very relaxed. Building relaxation into your piano playing carries across to other areas of life. Before you know it, you’re less stressed and feeling happier. You could start having musical evenings in your home, including food and drinks, making it a feature in your life.

5. It increases self-esteem and sets an example. Being able to play piano does make you feel a bit special, and there’s nothing quite like being able to sit down and entertain friends and family with some beautiful music. This makes you feel good, happy, and results in friends and family seeing you in a new light. It sets a good example for children to see you working at a new skill and being successful.

6. Learning piano improves your math skills and theory of music. You can’t learn the piano without learning a bit of music theory and music theory is quite math based. (But easy math!) As long as you can count up to four, you’ll be able to cope with it. But music is also a science and there is a lot to learn about how it works and how we notate it. You can also learn some Italian terms.

7. It improves your listening skills while introducing you to new music. I have often discussed movies with adults who have never noticed the music in a movie. Once I get them listening, they are amazed at just how much music there is in a movie (or even a TV show). By learning piano and music theory, they suddenly become incredibly aware of the music all around them on a daily basis and often discover beautiful pieces they would love to learn to play.

Once an adult has taken the leap and started to learn piano, they never regret it. Many of them find it’s a new passion and are amazed at how obsessed they become with practicing and the joy of discovering new music. So, if it’s on your bucket list – don’t put it off!

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