Celebrate Undiscovered Musicians With New Appetizer Radio App

For 12 years, The Appetizer Radio Show has been presenting new and undiscovered musicians to the world through its radio program, blog, podcasts, and exclusive sessions. Now the indie music showcase platform is giving music fans a direct line into the discovery of truly remarkable musicians who are off the beaten path: the first ever Appetizer Radio App.

Kicking off an Indiegogo campaign to make The Appetizer Radio App happen, you’re inviting you into a community of passionate music fans who are not only hungry for new music, but share in the passion for the arts that I do (and my team does).

AppetizerApp-IndiegogoImageMusic discovery is everywhere, and you don’t have to search too far to find new music, not with the various blogs, radio shows, stations, and streaming providers like Apple Music. New music is in an unending supply. What is not, however, is the connection to truly talented and unknown indie musicians who are worth your time and passion.

One of the biggest joys and honors of my professional career is getting to be a part of the story of many musicians who made their debut on radio on The Appetizer Radio Show. Our fans and audience has been able to be a part of the stories of musicians as they grow and go from unknown to known. Artists like William Fitzsimmons, The Rocketboys, Kelley McRae, Lindsay Katt and more have been a part of this community. That’s what the creation and development of this App is all about: building a stronger connection between great musicians and audiences around the globe.

The Indiegogo campaign is what will make this happen, and we’re only giving access to the App to contributors for the first several months of its release. For people who enjoy not only music discovery, but the community of real music fans, help us take new music connection to the next level.

Click here to join us and make The Appetizer Radio App your go-to source for great new music discovery.

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