Deaf Scientist Creates Hearing Aid To Listen To Wi-Fi Signals

man going deaf creates hearing kit to listen to wifi
We watch science-fiction and comic book films where “gifted” or mutated individuals possess the ability to do extraordinary things. In the Marvel Comics realm “The X-Men,” super-powered mutants have abilities that go far beyond the abilities of common people. The ability to hear Wi-Fi would constitute as a mutant ability.

But in the real world, this is now possible, not because someone has come forth possessing the power to do so on their own. Instead, a science writer who was losing his hearing teamed with a sound engineer to create a device that makes Wi-Fi signal an audio frequency that can be listened to. Chalk that up to more of a Tony Stark come to life (minus the extravagant wealth but using science and technology as a superpower).

Frank Swain had been losing his hearing for sometime when he teamed with Daniel Jones, an audio artist to finding the company Phantom Terrains, a software package that takes Wi-Fi signals and turns it into sound. The software uses sensors to detect intricacies about the Wi-Fi signal such as device distance, router information, and encryption as well as security strength. This data is translated into an audio stream and transferred to a hearing aid, making the Wi-Fi and audio frequency that can be listened to.

So what does Wi-Fi sound like? Try it for yourself: